Monday, March 5, 2012

Moment in the Word: Casting your cares

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7 NLT)

The Father really does care about you. The Amplified version even spells it out more clearly: He cares for you watchfully and attentively. God knows even the number of the hairs on your head! If it concerns you, it concerns Him, big or small.

So it's no small wonder that He invites us to bring our cares to Him. And not just to bring them, but to cast the whole of our cares on Him. That includes our anxieties, our worries, and our concerns. And it's not a mandate, but it is an invitation to do so!

We serve a God who doesn't want us burdened down or overwhelmed by the cares of our lives. He calls to us to cast them, to throw them upon Him, once and for all. His offer isn't for just a short term holding place until we are up to carrying them again. No, he gives us a place to toss them onto His shoulders permanently!

Will you let God be God and take Him up on His offer? I hope so...He is true to His Word.

He cares for you,



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