Friday, February 17, 2012

Trust Gods process in your kids, in all areas!

Have you ever been teaching your child a concept, something you think is relatively easy, and they end up struggling with it for awhile, much to your chagrin? Do you feel, for a few moments (or days!) that maybe you are somehow a failure at this homeschooling thing? If you ever have felt that way, let me just say this: you are a real HS parent, you are normal, and you are in real good company!

I have been in this journey for 11+ years, and I fought that feeling on many occasion. We take on alot when we choose to educate at home, and many a time it feels as thought we have bitten off more than we can chew. There are many things for our child(ren) to learn, several different grade levels to teach for many of us, as well as our regular lives to attend to after the school day has come to a close. It can be a daunting task, am I right?

Well, I could encourage from many angles here, but I feel led to give you this today:

Your child is in the process, God's process, and we can trust that for them. He has a way of filling in the gaps and spaces where we may have difficulty or miss it. And guess what? They will get it in time!

My son is our eldest, and thus, the first to be home educated. (I call him my test child...hehe) he has been in this process since kindergarten and now he is my high schooler, my sophomore. He is a real math brain, and very intelligent to start with :-) I remember all last year, he was learning the area of solids, and doggone it if he didn't keep getting the SAME problems wrong all year long! I explained and showed him over and over, but he still struggled a bit. I wondered at that time if he would ever get any of those practice problems right!

I prayed and asked the Father to help me and to help him to get the concepts, and to fill in the gaps where I was missing it. We kept plugging away, and I tried to stay as encouraging to him as I could (a little bit of that goes SUCH a long way!) he was fine and unruffled, and I reminded him that God was one his side.

Well, fast forward to this year: he is nailing those problems! We go over them every once in a while, but not regularly like we used to. He got it! Little by little, in Gods process, in His timing, our young man has mastered concepts like this and more. I could not give up in the middle, I had to keep at it and so did he, and guess what? We made it.

What about tackling harder subjects? We will do it the same way we have always done it: step by step, embracing this process, and celebrating each victory along the way.

The Lord is in this with you, and He will guide you if you will listen. Trust His process in and for your kiddos!

Keep moving forward,



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