Monday, January 23, 2012

Write it down!

You don't remember everything, no matter how good your memory is.'s a great idea: write down your kids accomplishments as you go. (Don't be like me trying to write them down now to catch up...yikes!)

Take a little time over the next few days to make note of sports activities your children have participated in over the years, and for how long. Jot down the extracurricular activities, programs,(both during the school year and the summer) and special activities they have been a part of. If your child volunteers in church or otherwise, write that down too. Don't worry about it being in perfect format or whether it's typed up or will get there. Just get it started!

You have been equipped to educate you children, and you are getting it done. Its too easy to forget and get discouraged or feel like you have not done enough. It's amazing to look back and see just how much they have done!

Stay encouraged,


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